Success Story: Gay Htoo Paw

Gay Htoo Paw, a 29-year-old single parent and Karen refugee from the Thailand-Burma border resides in Worthington, MN, living with her parents and caring for her five children. As Gay Htoo Paw a participant in the SNAP E&T program, Gay had a strong desire to become self-sufficient but faced challenges due to her limited English proficiency, which hindered her ability to fill out job applications.

Determined to achieve her goals, including obtaining a driver's license and purchasing her own vehicle, Gay requested assistance from Employment Services. She was referred to the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council, where she met Rene Martinez, a Career Specialist at the CareerForce in Worthington, MN. Rene helped Gay with both paper and online job applications, and with the support of her cousin, who works at Walmart, Gay applied for a position there.

Two weeks after applying, Gay was thrilled to receive a call from Walmart inviting her to orientation. Rene continued to support Gay by arranging for an interpreter to assist her during the first five hours of orientation and initial training.

Today, Gay feels happy and empowered in her new job at Walmart. This employment opportunity has enabled her to take significant steps toward self-sufficiency and better provide for her children. Gay is committed to improving her English skills to enhance customer communication and further her career. Her journey is a testament to her resilience and determination to build a better future for herself and her family.

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