From Financial Struggles to Fulfilling Dreams: Alyssa’s Success Story

At 32, Alyssa Niezgocki had already collected a wide variety of career experiences - from selling car parts and debt collection to a decade in retail and patient registration at the Mayo Clinic in Fairmont. Despite alyssa her varied roles, Alyssa felt a calling to a more fulfilling career in nursing.

Alyssa faced significant financial challenges. With a bachelor’s degree, she was ineligible for financial aid, and after maternity leave, her disposable income was limited. This made pursuing her dream of becoming a CNA seem daunting. However, a referral from the administration at Minnesota West Community and Technical College led Alyssa to the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council’s (PIC) Pathways to Prosperity Program, where she found the support she needed and was able to help cover the cost of tuition for the CNA course.

“Without the worry of how I would be paying for class, I could focus my attention on class itself,” Alyssa recalls. The assistance she received from the PIC was invaluable. From scheduling a meeting and completing paperwork in one sitting to having an open line of communication throughout the course, Alyssa felt supported every step of the way.

"Dan (her career specialist) was incredibly helpful and answered all the questions that I had. Any questions I had were answered right away or the very next day,” she shares. This consistent support allowed Alyssa to excel in her studies and pass all the pertinent tests to become a certified nursing assistant.

Alyssa’s success story highlights the critical role of support systems in achieving education and career goals. By alleviating financial stress and providing consistent guidance, the PIC enabled Alyssa to focus on her studies and excel. Today, she stands as a certified nursing assistant and ready to further her education in nursing this coming spring.

Her story is a powerful reminder of the impact our programs can have on individuals’ lives covering them not just career advancement but also the promise of a brighter future for themselves ant their families.

“I am truly grateful for all that the PIC has done to help me prepare for a career in nursing and the opportunity to provide a positive future for my family,“ Alyssa says

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