Youth Career Connector Annual Report

The significance of Work Based Learning and Career Exploration has grown immensely in Minnesota. To sustain a skilled workforce within our hometowns, it’s crucial for students to know the immense opportunities available in their own communities. However, organizing these career-related opportunities within school districts has become challenging due to the various responsibilities put on teachers and counseling staff. Youth Career Connectors help solve this problem by serving multiple schools as intermediaries, bridging the gap between businesses and education. With our support, students gain exposure to real-world job scenarios and foster stronger connections between education and local industries.

Over the past year, our Youth Career Connectors have worked with and provided career-focused learning to 4056 students in 28 school districts. Through these experiences we have provided 200 business partners an opportunity to interact with their future workforce and provide guidance as we train students for their future careers. We are continually growing and expanding our reach and the services we provide across southwest Minnesota in hopes to impact each student in our 14-county region.

Learn more about our Youth Career Connector Program and our impact this past year.