Workforce Development Board Seeking Board Members

Contact Information
Southwest Minnesota Workforce Development Board
Carrie Bendix
Workforce Development Board Seeking Board Members
{Southwest Minnesota} The Southwest Minnesota Workforce Development Board (SW MN WDB) currently has openings for board members, including Private Sector Representatives from Big Stone County and Nobles County, as well as a Labor Representative.
The Southwest Minnesota Workforce Development Board was established to develop and oversee a service delivery system for federal employment and training programs and address the workforce development needs of the fourteen counties of Southwest Minnesota. The board’s mission is “to provide a diverse and quality workforce that best meets the needs and challenges of the southwest region.” As a board member, you will be on the “front-line” setting policy for workforce development programs and initiatives.
The Southwest Minnesota Workforce Development Board meets six times a year (February, April, June, August, October, & December) on the first Thursday of designated months at 4:00 PM. The meetings are held in Marshall at the Lyon County Government Center or virtually from an open meeting location. Some of our board members join virtually from the CareerForce office in Worthington. The meetings usually last around 2 hours. We have a meeting scheduled for February 1st at 4 pm. You are welcome to join in to check us out.
Board members are appointed by a board of county commissioners. If you want to learn more about the opportunity, please read our SW MN WDB flyer and/or reach out to Carrie Bendix at 507-476-2188. To be considered for the appointment, complete the nomination form.