Exploring Career and Education Opportunities at the 2023 Southwest Minnesota Career Expo

Every year, the Southwest Minnesota Career Expo provides a glimpse into the variety of career and educational prospects available in Southwest Minnesota. Proudly sponsored by the Southwest Minnesota Workforce Development Board for years, this event continues to have a significant impact on the youth and businesses within our communities.

The significance of being here today lies in ensuring that all students are exposed to a wide array of occupations. Often, they are only aware of what their parents or family members do. Thus, making sure they are aware of all their options is crucial.

- Maria Peters, Youth Program Manager

This year, the Southwest Minnesota Career Expo took place on September 26th and 27th across the campuses of Minnesota West-Worthington and Southwest Minnesota State University–Marshall. The expo offered invaluable career and education insights to high school students while showcasing regional businesses and the diverse job opportunities they offer. Over the course of these two expos, we had the privilege of welcoming more than 2,100 sophomore and junior students from 39 different schools in the Minnesota West Carl Perkin’s Consortium. This year’s success was made possible by the dedication of 350 volunteers and Southwest West Central Service Cooperative.

During the expo, students participated in a fast-paced 45-minute Career Game Show featuring interactive audience polling, enjoyed a 45-minute college tour, and engaged in 70 minutes of interactive exhibits from over 130 businesses, organizations, and schools in our region.

For more details, you can read the entire article on the Marshall Independent’s website: Opportunity to Explore Jobs.

We are grateful to serve alongside the other event partners that make this event possible. These organizations include the Minnesota West Carl Perkins Consortium, Southwest Initiative Foundation, Minnesota West Community and Technical College, Southwest Minnesota State University, Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council, SWWC Service Cooperative, Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce, Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce, and Marshall, Montevideo, and Worthington CareerForce, along with the Department of Employment and Economic Development.

To learn more about this year’s Career Expo, please visit our official website.