Breaking Traditions 2024

The 2024 Breaking Traditions event series, sponsored by Minnesota West Community and Technical College and the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (PIC), once again proved to be a transformative experience for high school students across Southwest Minnesota. Through a unique blend of hands-on activities and interactive learning sessions, this event encourages students to explore nontraditional career paths and future educational opportunities.

Breaking Traditions is designed to empower students by exposing them to various career fields, with the majority Minnesota West campus hosting tailored programs that reflect student interests. Students rotate through career stations, gaining first-hand experience in diverse industries like Diesel Technology, Nursing, and Welding. College instructors and current Minnesota West students guide students through practical, hands-on environments, giving them valuable insights into these fields.

The events are offered at no cost to high schools, with transportation, lunch, snacks, and materials provided. Each campus showcases a unique set of programs, providing students a customized experience that aligns with their career interests.

Canby Campus - October 1, 2024
The series kicked off at Minnesota West’s Canby Campus, where students explored Diesel Technology, Dental Assisting, and Electrician pathways. Through engaging, hands-on activities, they developed a feel for the technical skills and knowledge essential to these fields.

Pipestone Campus - October 8, 2024
Pipestone hosted 40 students from schools in Worthington, Murray County Central, Tracy, and Pipestone. Through interactive experiences in Nursing, Carpentry, Cosmetology, and Plumbing, students learned about patient care, used carpentry tools, and gained valuable insights into high-demand fields.

Granite Falls Campus - October 15, 2024
In Granite Falls, students received an intimate and personalized experience in programs like Liberal Arts, Nursing/CNA, Surgical Technology, Computer Networking, Welding, and Powerline. Highlights included laparoscopic surgery simulations, healthcare demonstrations, and introductory welding techniques.

Worthington Campus - October 29, 2024
At Worthington, 40 students explored Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA), Peace Officer, and Biology programs. Highlights included listening to heartbeats with stethoscopes, practicing sensory skills, learning about Tasers, and extracting DNA from strawberries.

Jackson Campus - November 5, 2024
The final Breaking Traditions event of 2024 was held at the Jackson Campus, where 97 students explored programs like Welding, Cosmetology, Electrician, and Automotive. Students had a hands-on experience, gearing up to climb poles in the Powerline program and learning about tech fields in a presentation from the computer programs. 

The Breaking Traditions series doesn’t just introduce students to potential career paths—it provides experiences that resonate and inspire. When asked if they learned any information that would be helpful, one student shared, “You have to be able to see yourself happy. I feel comfortable here.” Another remarked on the abundance of job opportunities post-college: “After college, there are plenty of jobs.”

Students also highlighted the hands-on nature of the event, describing what they enjoyed most about the day: “Getting to try curling hair. I liked everything; getting to explore the different fields was exciting, and “I saw a bunch of things I want to do and love the campus,” they noted.

Others shared their experiences in activities such as welding: “Welding & learning what the college offers” and “Welded for the first time!” One student remarked, “I made new friends and got to try new things. Every person was super nice and sweet.”

As the 2024 Breaking Traditions series concludes, Minnesota West and the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council celebrate these meaningful experiences that help guide students toward their future careers. Through events like these, students gain insight, skills, and connections that empower them to take their next steps with confidence. The series will return next year, continuing to inspire and open doors for students across Southwest Minnesota.

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